HELP ANSWER RESEARCH QUESTIONS (Generated by OIPC Assessment Team ) - Revised January 2024
During the invasive plant assessment process, the OIPC Assessment Team often encounters gaps in our knowledge - so they are unable to adequately answer some of the assessment questions. This is where they need your help! We encourage researchers (especially undergraduate and graduate students looking for research questions), land managers, and any interested persons across the state to help us address these issues.
To upload any location (GPS) information for any of the species below, we strongly recommend EDDMapS (
Viburnum Species - V. plicatum, V. sieboldii
Porcelainberry - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
English Ivy - Hedera helix (note that this species is often confused with H. hibernica)
Sweet Autumn Clematis - Clematis terniflora
Amur Corktree - Phellodendron amurense
Vinca, Periwinkle - Vinca minor
Rose-of-Sharon - Hibiscus syriacus
Asian Bittersweet - Celastrus orbiculatus
White Mulberry - Morus alba
Wineberry - Rubus phoenicolasius
Species to be on the lookout for - Note that these are NOT considered invasive at this point but we have started to hear of wild populations in OH, so they are on our radar:
During the invasive plant assessment process, the OIPC Assessment Team often encounters gaps in our knowledge - so they are unable to adequately answer some of the assessment questions. This is where they need your help! We encourage researchers (especially undergraduate and graduate students looking for research questions), land managers, and any interested persons across the state to help us address these issues.
To upload any location (GPS) information for any of the species below, we strongly recommend EDDMapS (
Viburnum Species - V. plicatum, V. sieboldii
- How often do these species escape into natural areas in Ohio?
- What is their method of spread?
- Need GPS locations of wild populations
Porcelainberry - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
- What is the typical population density of this species in Ohio?
- What role in succession, if any, does porcelainberry play in Ohio?
English Ivy - Hedera helix (note that this species is often confused with H. hibernica)
- What is rate of seed production of this species?
- What is germination rate and survival of seedlings in natural areas in Ohio?
- Are there any known impacts of this species on native plants or animals in Ohio?
Sweet Autumn Clematis - Clematis terniflora
- What is the number of viable seeds per fruit and per plant?
- What is the flowering period of an individual plant (not just a population)?
- Can this species hybridize with native OH Clematis species?
Amur Corktree - Phellodendron amurense
- At what age does this tree begins reproducing in Ohio? Note that it has been reported to be "male" for years before one or more branches may suddenly begin producing fruit.
- What is the seed dispersal mechanism of this species?
- Need GPS locations of wild populations
Vinca, Periwinkle - Vinca minor
- What is the dispersal distance of vinca seeds? NOTE: Fruit production may be rare in this species.
Rose-of-Sharon - Hibiscus syriacus
- Has this species been seen escaping into natural areas in Ohio? If so, what is the distance?
Asian Bittersweet - Celastrus orbiculatus
- What is the average number of seeds per plant under natural conditions in Ohio?
- What is the role of oriental bittersweet, if any, in succession - especially in Ohio?
White Mulberry - Morus alba
- When do individual plants reach reproductive maturity?
- What is the average density and percent coverage of this species in Ohio?
- What is the role of this species in succession in natural areas in Ohio?
- What is the role of this species (if any) in establishing within healthy and intact natural areas in Ohio?
- Does common privet impact successional processes in any way?
- Does the species impact animals or native plants in any way in Ohio?
- Can common privet hybridize with any other Privet species?
Wineberry - Rubus phoenicolasius
- Does wineberry have any negative effects on native plant or animal species in Ohio?
Species to be on the lookout for - Note that these are NOT considered invasive at this point but we have started to hear of wild populations in OH, so they are on our radar:
- Weeping cherry
- Toringo (Siebold) crabapple - Malus sieboldii
- Golden Raintree - Koelreuteria paniculata