HELP ANSWER RESEARCH QUESTIONS (Generated by OIPC Assessment Team ) - Revised November 2024
During the invasive plant assessment process, the OIPC Assessment Team often encounters gaps in our knowledge - so they are unable to adequately answer some of the assessment questions. This is where they need your help! We encourage researchers (especially undergraduate and graduate students looking for research questions), land managers, and any interested persons across the state to help us address these issues.
Species to be on the lookout for - Note that these are NOT considered invasive at this point but we have started to hear of wild populations in OH or in nearby regions, so they are on our radar. ANY information (plant traits, distribution, ecological impacts, etc.) you can provide would be extremely helpful:
Viburnum plicatum
VIburnum opulus var. opulus
Porcelainberry - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
Sweet Autumn Clematis - Clematis terniflora
White Mulberry - Morus alba
To upload any location (GPS) information for any of the species below, we strongly recommend EDDMapS (
During the invasive plant assessment process, the OIPC Assessment Team often encounters gaps in our knowledge - so they are unable to adequately answer some of the assessment questions. This is where they need your help! We encourage researchers (especially undergraduate and graduate students looking for research questions), land managers, and any interested persons across the state to help us address these issues.
Species to be on the lookout for - Note that these are NOT considered invasive at this point but we have started to hear of wild populations in OH or in nearby regions, so they are on our radar. ANY information (plant traits, distribution, ecological impacts, etc.) you can provide would be extremely helpful:
- Weeping cherry - it is unknown what species is actually escaping
- Toringo (Siebold) crabapple - Malus sieboldii
- Golden Raintree - Koelreuteria paniculata
- Beautyberry - Callicarpa dichotoma
- Chocolate Vine - Akebua quinata
- Hoary Alyssum - Berteroa incana
- Dahurian buckthorn - Rhamnus davurica
Viburnum plicatum
- Need any basic information on reproduction (flowering time, number of seeds/plant, seed germination)
- Be careful not to confuse this species with V. opulus var. opulus
VIburnum opulus var. opulus
- This species has much taxonomic confusion surrounding it. It would be ideal to have a clear distinction (including visible key traits) of this species versus V. trilobum (some sources say they are the same species but others indicate they are different - the OIPC assessment team believes each is distinct).
Porcelainberry - Ampelopsis brevipedunculata
- This seems to be a very quickly spreading species in Ohio
- Need basic information on reproduction
- What is the typical population density of this species in Ohio?
- Does porcelainberry interfere with succession in Ohio?
Sweet Autumn Clematis - Clematis terniflora
- What is the number of viable seeds per fruit and per plant?
- What is the flowering period of an individual plant (not just a population)?
- Can this species hybridize with native OH Clematis species?
White Mulberry - Morus alba
- When do individual plants reach reproductive maturity?
- What is the average density and percent coverage of this species in Ohio?
- What is the role of this species in succession in natural areas in Ohio?
- How often does this species hybridize with other mulberry species?
- Can common privet hybridize with any other Privet species?
- What is the identity of "wild privet" in Ohio forests?
To upload any location (GPS) information for any of the species below, we strongly recommend EDDMapS (